7th International PROS : Skillful Performance : Enacting Expertise, Competence, and Capabilities in Organizations

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Greetings from sunny Athens. We would like to draw your attention to this year’s 7th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.

This year’s theme is :

Skillful Performance : Enacting Expertise, Competence, and Capabilities in Organizations.

24-27 June 2015 Helona Resort, Kos, Greece http://www.helona-resort.com

Conveners :
Jorgen Sandberg, University of Queensland, Australia (j.sandberg@business.uq.edu.au)
Linda Rouleau, HEC Montreal, Canada (linda.rouleau@hec.ca)
Ann Langley, HEC Montreal, Canada (ann.langley@hec.ca)
Haridimos Tsoukas, University of Cyprus, Cyprus & University of Warwick, UK (process.symposium@gmail.com)

Keynote Speakers :
Harry Collins, Professor of Sociology, Cardiff University, UK, author of Tacit & Explicit Knowledge and Rethinking Expertise (with R. Evans)
Hubert Dreyfus, Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, USA, author of Being-in- the-World and What Computers Still Can’t Do
Silvia Gherardi, Professor of Sociology of Work, University of Trento, Italy, author of Organizational Knowledge and Learning and Knowing in Practice-Based Studies (with A. Strati)
Margaret A. Peteraf, Professor or Management, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, USA, co-author of Dynamic Capabilities and Crafting & Executing Strategy

Workshop Keynote Speaker :
Charles Spinosa, philosopher, management consultant at Vision, co-author of Disclosing New Worlds (MIT Press, 1997)

The symposium will take place between the 24th and the 27th of June 2015, at Helona Resort, (http://www.helona-resort.com ) in the island of Kos, Greece

You may find more information on the attached call for papers or on the symposium’s website : http://www.process-symposium.com/

As usual, general process-oriented and theme-focused papers are invited as well as papers for different workshops (please see call for papers for details).

You may submit your extended abstract at the following link until the 31st of January 2015

You may also find information and regular updates on the
Facebook Group for Process International Symposium

Join the event that we have created there.

For any further information don’t hesitate to contact us !

Best Wishes for a lovely & creative day

Sophia Tzagaraki
Process Symposium Administrator