Appel à comm. : "science et technologie dans la société"

Appel à communication pour un workshop consacré aux doctorants dans un champ très vaste défini comme science et technologie dans la société.

Les promoteurs de ce réseau ont souhaité s’ouvrir à des participants hors du continent nord américain et ont sollicité le CSI pour participer à cette initiative qui nous semble intéressante.

Cette manifestation comprend une alternance de "keynote speakers" et d’ateliers de travail pour les doctorants.


Il existe des financements de l’Ambassade de France pour le remboursement des frais de déplacement.


Science & Technology in Society : An International, Interdisciplinary, Graduate Student Conference.

April 5-6, 2008

American Association for the Advancement of Science Headquarters, Washington, DC

January 4, 2008

This annual conference provides a venue for graduate students from Science & Technology Policy, Science & Technology Studies, Environmental Policy/Studies and related fields to present and receive constructive feedback on their research. The agenda for last year’s conference provides examples of common themes and topics that may be covered this year. In addition to presenting papers, students will have the opportunity to interact with each other and prominent scholars and professionals related to their field of interest. Every year we invite prominent figures from both S&T Policy and STS to deliver keynote addresses. Because we draw participants from all over the world, this conference is an excellent opportunity for young scholars aspiring to work in academic, governmental, or non-governmental settings to build both national and international networks for future research and collaborations.

The conference organizing committee welcomes submissions of abstracts (up to 250 words) for a 15-minute presentation. Please submit abstracts and contact information via email to by January 4, 2008. Notification of abstract acceptance will be given no later than February 11, 2008.

Organizers : The American Association for the Advancement of Science
Arizona State University, CSPO
George Mason University, SPP
The George Washington University, CISTP
University of Maryland, MSPP
Virginia Tech, STS

Further information at

or Ryan Zelnio at