Nous signalons que le n° de Mars 2013 de la revue Science Technology & Society a publié un dossier dirigé par des auteurs ayant publié aussi dans la RAC.
Special Issue : From a ‘Social Raw Matter’ to the Emergence of Collectives—Exploring Bio-institutions as Social Lab
Guest editors : Virginie Tournay, Séverine Louvel and Céline Granjou
— Virginie Tournay,
— Séverine Louvel,
— and Céline Granjou
- From a ‘Social Raw Matter’ to the Emergence of Collectives—Exploring Bio-institutions as Social Lab : Introduction
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 1-7, doi:10.1177/0971721813484231
— Céline Granjou,
— Isabelle Mauz,
— Séverine Louvel,
— and Virginie Tournay
Assessing Nature ? The Genesis of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 9-27, doi:10.1177/0971721813484232
— Taru Peltola
Responsible Action as Embedded in Knowledge Practices : An Analysis of Forest Biodiversity Protection
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 29-50, doi:10.1177/0971721813484233
— Michel Daccache
Questioning Biodiversity Governance through Its Articulations
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 51-62, doi:10.1177/0971721813484234
— Anders Koed Madsen
Steps Towards a Conceptualisation of Digital Institutions of Knowledge
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 63-74, doi:10.1177/0971721813484357
— Mieke Van Hemert
Taming Indeterminacy : The Co-production of Biodiversity Restoration, Flood Protection and Biophysical Modelling of Rivers and Coastal Environments
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 75-92, doi:10.1177/0971721813484376
— Virginie Tournay,
— Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag,
— Dörte Bemme,
— Aurélie Mahalatchimy,
— Céline Granjou,
— Séverine Louvel,
— and Anne Cambon-Thomsen
Producing ‘Human Elements Based Medical Technologies’ in Biotech Companies : Some Ethical and Organisational Ingredients for Innovative Cooking
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 93-114, doi:10.1177/0971721813484381
— C. Langeard,
— G. Minguet,
— L. Guéganton,
— P. Cam,
— C. Faquet,
— P. Lombrail,
— and G. Rault
The Reconfiguration of the Relationship to Care for a Rare Disease : Neonatal Expended Screening in a Socio-material Perspective
Science Technology & Society March 2013 18 : 115-138, doi:10.1177/0971721813484382
Ce numéro contient des travaux qui intéressent plusieurs lecteurs de la RAC ; Voir les dossiers sur
- les objets frontières 1
- les ressources biologiques
- les approches de l’expertise
- de nombreux articles en varia
- et l’ouvrage de Céline GRANJOU & Marc BARBIER (2010). Métamorphoses de l’expertise. Précaution et maladies à prions, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme ; Versailles, Éditions Quæ, 304 p